Liability Insurance

Homeowners Insurance Explained: Are Fallen Trees Covered Under Your Policy?

From a micro-burst or sheer winds uprooted a solid oak tree during a bad storm falling on a house on…

1 week ago

The Importance of Having a Certificate of Insurance for Contractors

When embarking on home renovations or improvement projects, hiring a contractor is a crucial decision. Whether you’re remodeling your kitchen,…

1 month ago

Safeguard Your Business: Understanding the Different Types of Liability Insurance

Protecting your business is important. That’s why you need liability insurance. But what kind of liability insurance should you be…

4 months ago

Three Considerations for Insuring Work From Home Employees

The last two years have revolutionized the way we view work from home. What used to be reserved for specific…

3 years ago

Remote Employees Expose Need for Cyber Liability Insurance

This year, after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, 88% of business organizations all over the world mandated or encouraged all…

4 years ago

Does Your Business Have the Right Insurance?

There are a lot of options for business insurance coverage these days, but what is right for your business? Owning…

4 years ago

Does Your Business Need Professional Liability Insurance?

Professional Liability Insurance, also referred to as Errors & Omissions Insurance (E&O) or Malpractice Coverage, keeps your company protected from…

5 years ago

The Implications of “Scooter Sharing” – The New Trend in Transportation

You are bound to have heard of, if not seen, the increasing trend of electric scooters being deployed into downtown…

5 years ago

Do you work from home?

We see the ads all the time:  “Earn millions working from home!” or “How would you like to double your…

7 years ago

3 Times Umbrella Insurance can Give you Peace of Mind

Protecting yourself and your assets is important to you; your cars are insured, and you have homeowners or renter’s insurance…

7 years ago

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